Fear is a bad counsellor” is sometimes said, and it certainly is when it comes to skiing. “How am I ever gonna get down that mountain in one piece? It’s so high! I really can’t do it! “I can’t! Fear is a phenomenon that occurs not only in adults, but also in children. It’s a shame, because fear makes you lose the pleasure of skiing. And even though with good guidance this is not necessary at all!
How does fear of skiing arise?
Although fear is often caused by images that people create in their own minds – skiing is so fast, the mountains are so high, skiing is so difficult! -, there are also often more easily influenced factors that come into play. If, for example, someone is assigned to the wrong ski group, this can quickly cause anxiety. The group goes too fast, goes down too steep slopes, or the level is just totally different. There are countless options.
It can also happen that someone gets acute skiing anxiety due to a nasty fall or accident. As they say in the world of horse riding: you have to get back in the saddle right away! But, what if this doesn’t work? What if the snowmobile brings you down because of a broken arm? Then you don’t say: ”oh let me go skiing, because I have to start skiing again someday”.