
To share fun experiences and other winter sports stories with you, we asked our bloggers to write some fun stuff. These blogs are about all kinds of things you can experience during winter sports. Think for example of fear or the first time ski lessons. Every month we will share a new blog with you.

Well prepared for winter sports

Preparing for your winter holiday, what do you need to think about? And how can you best prepare? In this blog we explain how you can best prepare for the winter.

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Help, I want to learn to ski!

Learning to ski, how does it work.  And from what age and up to what age can you learn this sport? Or do you have to have grown up with it? These are all questions that we want to address in this blog.

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I’m coming down the mountain, but how do I get better?

Whether you have been skiing for twenty years or have only been on the slopes for three weeks, there is always more to learn! It might surprise you, but even ski instructors can still learn a lot. Nothing to be ashamed of! But how do you get better? Click on the image above and read on!

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Skiing after 65

You’ve passed 65: the age when you start getting discounts everywhere in the Netherlands. In museums, public transport, theater performances, you name it. You’d also like to go skiing for a week, but you don’t get a discount on your ski pass because you’re over 65. ”Am I too old then?” you ask yourself. We can tell you: No, you’re definitely not!

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How to deal with ski fear?

”Fear is a bad advisor” is sometimes said, and it certainly is when it comes to skiing. ”How will I ever get down that mountain in one piece? It’s so high! I really can’t do it! I can’t!” Fear is a phenomenon that occurs not only in adults, but also in children. A shame, because fear quickly makes you lose the pleasure of skiing. And yet, with proper guidance, this is not necessary at all!

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